Benefits of FQHC
Clinics serving low income and uninsured patients are turning to the longest, continuous source of operating funds from the federal government: the Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC). In recent years, the Community Health Center program has been expanding at a rate which has almost doubled its size. The key to success is having Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) status; either as a Section 330 grantee or through obtaining FQHC Look-Alike status from BPHC. Rural Health Clinics can benefit by converting to Federal Healthcare status.
Pursuing FQHC
Community Health Centers are recognized by Congress as being the Safety Net Clinic system in America. Over 1400 organizations received annual funding in federal funds to subsidize primary health care for low income and uninsured patients. Twenty-eight million patients received care in calendar 2018 at almost 12,000 clinical sites operated by FQHCs.