Grant Established LifeSpring as a Navigator Awardee Organization
ROCKFORD, IL: July 14, 2022 – theFranaGroup is pleased to announce that LifeSpring Health Systems was awarded $357,455 by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in serving as a Navigator in the Federally-facilitated Marketplace (FFM). LifeSpring located in Jeffersonville, Indiana, is one of the 59 organizations to receive the CMS Navigator cooperative agreement award for the FFM they have been approved to serve. LifeSpring will assist 11 Counties for any consumer seeking assistance in understanding their health insurance options and help facilitate their enrollment in health insurance through the FFM. The Navigator cooperative agreement awards were awarded for a 36-month period of performance, which runs through August 26, 2024.
Starting October 1, 2013, consumers in all states were able to access affordable health insurance options through the Health Insurance Marketplace. Some states set up a State-based Marketplace and the remaining states opted for the Federally-facilitated Marketplace (FFM). No matter what state they live in, consumers can receive help as they apply for and enroll in coverage through the Marketplace.
Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) now represent the largest primary practice in the United States. In 2021 they served almost 29 million patients including almost 377,000 Veterans. FQHCs provided primary care to one in nine children, one in three people living in poverty and one in five people living in rural areas.
About theFranaGroup
theFranaGroup clients provided over 2.2 million patient visits to 757,867 patients in 2019 or more than one of 423 persons living in the United States. theFranaGroup, founded in 1999, is a national healthcare consulting firm that provides solutions for Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), including a wide array of services tailored to Community Health Center operations and strategy, both before and after funding. With a proven track record of success, theFranaGroup offers a variety of services to achieve and maintain FQHC status including grant writing, strategic planning, management consulting and Board and staff development. The firm has helped clients earn more than $1 billion in direct funding and enhanced billing capabilities.